Tag Archives: long-haul truck drivers

New to Trucking? Dr. Hook’s Got Your Back

heavy-duty-trucksDriving a truck is a tough proposition. For the right person, it can be extremely rewarding, both financially and personally.

Even the best truck drivers and owner operators will tell you that their first days on the job were among the hardest – that they were nervous, they got lost, and made mistakes. Starting a job behind the wheel of a huge, lumbering diesel truck armed only with a logsheet, a cellphone, and some instructions and heading out into the world is daunting. Lots can go wrong. In talking with a lot of truckers who were once rookies, we’ve heard a lot of war stories. Drivers got hopelessly lost, sent miles off course by their GPS units onto residential streets where there wasn’t enough room to turn the truck around. Accidents, mostly minor, as a result of unfamiliar roads and vehicles – including knocking over a light standard and getting stuck under a low bridge.

Any driver can run their truck out of fuel, but we find more often than not it is a novice who does so. New drivers can find themselves exhausted and nearing the end of their legal driving limit when they’re miles from civilization. Solo drivers, for the first few months of their careers, find themselves adjusting to their new jobs.

Thankfully, it gets better. For the first week, something new and scary will seem to happen once every hour you’re on the job. For the next month, it will fell like it happens every day. After that, weekly. Then, one day you’ll find yourself to be the seasoned veteran, looking back with a chuckle and telling stories of the things that happened to you when you were just starting out.

Until you get there, and even after you do, we’d like to let you know that Dr. Hook Towing has heavy trucks covered. We offer all kinds of services, from out of fuel, boost service and lockout service to full-scale vehicle recovery. We service the Winnipeg area and province wide in Manitoba, call us 24 hours a day Toll Free 1-800-561-4665. Contact us online or learn more about our Heavy Duty Recovery service here.