Roadside Assistance Not Just for Families

When we think of roadside assistance, we often think first of issues we may encounter during our daily commuting or venturing out on Manitoba highways. What we don’t consider, however, is the time we’re in company vehicles.

Whether your business has designated vehicles – from pizza delivery cars to messenger vans to big rigs – the unfortunate reality is that somewhere along the line there may very well be trouble on Manitoba roads. It happens to the best – and biggest of us. We may marvel at seeing a bus being towed down a street or a food van lifted onto the back of a tow vehicle, but the reality is these vehicles really are like any other. Just as a sedan could get a flat tire, so too could a transporter (rubber is rubber after all).

Fortunately for these vehicles, Dr. Hook Towing’s Roadside Assistance Program is here to help. Not just for families, roadside assistance is available for every make, every model of every vehicle.

So while you’re protecting your family, protect your business investments as well. Register online today for the Dr. Hook Roadside Assistance Program.